Types of Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is any activity that uses large muscle groups that can be maintained continuously and rhythmic in nature. This type of exercise means to improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. It allows the heart and lungs to work harder than at rest. This exercise is performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period of time.

There are different benefits of doing regular aerobic exercises. Some important benefits are:

It strengthens the muscles involved in respiration and facilitates the flow of air in and out of the lungs. It also strengthens and enlarges the heart muscle to improve its pumping efficiency. Your heart gets stronger and pumps more blood with each beat. It is also necessary in strengthening muscles throughout the body. It improves the circulation efficiency so it reduces blood pressure. It Increases the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen. Finally, it improves mental health by relieving stress.

There are various types of aerobic exercises that could help you burn calories to maintain or lose weight. These exercises are very effective to a healthier and fit body that you would surely enjoy.

The most popular exercise is aerobic dance. Aerobic dance involve aerobic movements in which at least one foot contacts the ground at all times. Aerobic dance helps in maintaining the all-round fitness and also turns out to be a wonderful experience. It provides great cardiovascular advantages along with good metabolic benefits. This is ideal for pregnant women and overweight individuals.

Cycling is one of the best types. Cycling provides great cardiovascular benefits, without causing any kind of mechanical stress to the back, hips, knees and ankles in the form of pain. Cycling is also called bicycling or biking. Aside from health benefits that are acquired from this type of exercise, it is also a fun recreation and a popular sport.

Swimming can prove to be an ideal aerobic exercise. The heart rate response to swimming is more moderate than the response seen in dry land exercise. It does not cause much stress or strain to the joints of the body and it even makes it fun and enjoying. Laps prove to be a great way to burn the extra calories and it can be the best way to beat the heat especially during the summer heat.

One of the simplest aerobic exercises is running. Running is a great way to burn calories. The best part is you get a chance to enjoy the bliss of nature and get a feel of fresh air in running outdoors. All you need in this physical activity is a good pair of running shoes.

A good form of aerobic exercise can be had using a rowing machine. A couple of good option are an air rowing machine [http://www.steppersrowingmachines.com/air-rowing-machine.html] and also a magnetic rowing machine [http://www.steppersrowingmachines.com/magnetic-rowing-machine.html]. Both should enable to work up a real good sweat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Julie_Burgess/546413

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3823590
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